Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Photo Improvement

These photos were taken with the canon 50mm lens and were touched up in photoshop using gradient map and levels to do a vignette effect.

Product Photos

These product photos were lightly touched up in photoshop afterwards.

People With Different Clothes

These were all created by bringing in the patterns with free transform and layer mask using the pen tool. They were then painstakingly dodged and burned to make them seem as if they were actually being worn.


This was made by making a collage of about 20 different images and using selective color, layer mask, free transform and filters to make them fit with the rest of the image.
This was created using similar tools except that I had to be extra careful to make sure that everything matched so it looked coherent.

Text Over Images

These were all created using the magnetic lasso or the pen tool in conjunction with different typefaces and layer masks. Also the overlay mode

Illustrator Work

This was a labor intensive project that was created by using the pen tool in illustrator.

Tablet Work

This project was created entirely by using the tablet, different brushes, and layer blending. It took at least a week to make, i used about 15 different layers and a number of brushes and blending modes.
 This was created using a combination of selective color and the tablet.
 Attempt one with the tablet.
 Attempt two, these projects took easily over a week and were ultimately unsuccessful but I learned a lot through this process.

Miscellaneous Photoshop Projects

This project wat made using overlay, selective color, content-aware, and the tablet. 

This is a colorization that i spent about a week on and then decided it was taking up too much time.

This was created by using a process of using color selection and then filling this with said color.
This piece was created by using selective color and a number of different layers and masks.

Skyline Assignment

This image was inspired by an image I saw on the internet. I created it using layer effects, color select, pen tool, selective color, black and white, levels, drop shadow and some others. I then created a tutorial on my own time for this assignment. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0d6WMTyOxWcWnVLZWFZS1V1Q1k/edit?usp=sharing

Tumblr Assignment

These were made by using layer effects, typefaces, adjustments and filters. 

Here is the link to the assignment I made for this project.

Client Logo Designs

These Projects were all created for clients and were mostly created on my own time, at home. They were made and often re-made many times in order to fit the clients needs. They were mostly made using selection tools, the pen tool and typefaces. All needed to be optimized to best fit the clients use. i.e. making them the right size for a website.

Here is a pdf explaining this one in more detail. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0d6WMTyOxWcVThid2RXeG9sMU0/edit?usp=sharing