Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tilt Shift

Tilt shift photography is a technique used to make photos look like they are miniatures. This is fairly easy to do in photoshop and can be done in 10-15 minutes given the right photograph. I tried to make some with sailboats, this turned out being far harder than I though as most photos taken of boats do not make convincing tilts shift photos. The key is getting a shot from the air that has a wide field of view. Here are some examples.


Our first cut of the lip dub assignment.
Here is the second cut using almost completely different footage.
Here is the final cut which is similar to the second cut only with many more effects.
Here is the office video assignment.
Here is a video from practice in which I tried beat cutting and it turned out pretty well.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


This photo shows radial symmetry.

This is a macro shot of a flower.

Another macro shot of a flower. Aren't they pretty?

Here is a photo of a sunflower that I purposefully took into the sun to be artsy or something.

This is yet another macro shot of a flower, these are fairly easy and look very good.

More flowers, NBD.

This is a building at western that I think shows symmetry well.

This is a shot of me that looked pretty cool.



Radial symmetry.


So lonely without any students in it.

A little too close up shot of Trevor's face.

The all important color wheel, now in 3D!


This adorable little guy was created in illustrator for an assignment intended to be a summation of all of the
tools we have learned in illustrator.

This piece of art was inspired a great deal by Mondriant's famous pieces, considered my many to be the birth of modern art. It was created in Photoshop using the rectangle and color fill tool.

This is a picture of Trevor that I "cartooned". This is done by outlining each section with a small black paintbrush and then filling those areas.

This is a much better use of the same technique, this time with a picture of Bill Cosby.

For this project we took an outline drawing of a bird and using the tablets added color as well as texture.

This was an introductory assignment to illustrator. We made this simple shape with the circle tool, the pen tool, and the gradient tool.

This abstract art was created using a certain brush in Photoshop and a very difficult technique of using the tablet.

This assignment was intended to teach about layers in Photoshop, and to show us how to make part of a layer invisible.

And lastly this is a hideous example of a Christmas card using Photoshop.